In Praise of Prepare Surgery and the Imperial Charity
I have just finished packing my bag before doing some insanely stupid 24 hour hill climbing thing tomorrow in aid of our Prepare for surgery programme – a simple idea where we train our patients before their major surgery so they are fitter, healthier and more motivated than they were before we started it.
One of my frustrations in the cash strapped NHS is that it is very difficult to get funding for innovation, even if it will reap savings in the medium term we do not have the capital funds to make these projects happen as we are already in deficit and have to balance the books by the end of the financial year (or rather minimise the imbalance in the books). It stifles creativity, crushes our desire for improvement and instils in us a learned helplessness where we eventually just do things the same way we have always done them and stop trying.
I’m very fortunate to work with some inspiring people who refuse to let this attitude affect them and find ways of funding their excellent ideas, and Prepare is no exception.
This is where the Imperial Charity comes in, with a refreshing open attitude and money to give out they fund great ideas and allow projects like Prepare to become reality. The benefit of their funding extends way beyond the borders of Imperial itself, as the project is being taken up in many places throughout Europe, and I think will change the whole way we deal with preparing our patients for major surgery. We have already seen some extremely positive results – reduction in length of stay in hospital and much fewer chest complications, and our patients seem to me much more motivated and involved in their care.
So as I put my softest of soft socks and waterproofs into my bag and head up to Scotland tomorrow to climb Ben Nevis I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to the Imperial Charity and their constant support, and for sharing our passion for innovation and better healthcare.
If you want to read a bit more about what we’re doing and maybe donate have a look here:
For more information about the Prepare programme look here: